October 14 - The Science of Fake News

Presented by Bruce Press

Fake News comes in many guises. Propaganda, mistakes, overly broad generalizations, conspiracy theories, counter-intelligence, politically motivated reasoning, outright lies and more...  Like you, Mr. Press has recognized the existence of "Fake News" for a long time but his comprehension of the serious impact it has on society began to crystallize while researching conspiracy theories a few years ago.

"Fake News" has, seemingly, become a fundamental part of the U.S. media landscape in just the last couple of years. However, as many of you know, it has been there with less fanfare for a very long time. Examples come from both obvious and surprising sources with new ones every day. This talk will attempt to go beyond the recognition of specific instances to the science of how they impact individuals and society.

Lightly touching on a broad range of subjects from memory and cognition to biases and social media will set up a discussion on how we can better interact with the modern media landscape.

While currently in a second career as a photographer, Bruce Press spent almost thirty years as an engineer and software developer. His involvement with the skeptical community began more than a decade ago. Since then he has helped to organize investigative groups, skeptical conferences and co-created a skeptical monthly meetup in Baltimore for years. He has researched and spoken on various topics of interest to skeptics in a number of public venues.

Saturday, October 14, 2017
1:30 pm

B-CC Regional Services Center
4805 Edgemoor Lane
2nd Floor (West Room)
Bethesda, MD
Directions: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/bcc/directions.html
(Note that this is a return to a Bethesda location for our fall talks that we used over 10 years ago.)

Shadow of a Doubt - September 2017

The Monthly Calendar of the National Capital Area Skeptics

  • September 9 lecture- Brian Inglis: Advocate for Psi, and Mortal Enemy of CSICOP -
    Neil Inglis
  • October 14 Lecture - The science of fake news - Bruce Press
  • NCAS Board of Directors Elections
  • AmazonSmile: Thanks to our members who are supporting NCAS!
  • Shadow Light
  • Drinking Skeptically on hiatus
  • Member renewals

NCAS Public Lecture Series

Brian Inglis: Advocate for Psi, and Mortal Enemy of CSICOP

Neil Inglis

Saturday, September 9, 1:30pm - 4:00pm
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center
2nd Floor (West Room)
4805 Edgemoor Lane
Bethesda, MD [map] [directions]
FREE admission – Everyone welcome, members and non-members

As an instantly recognizable figure in the UK, known for his serious manner and credibility as a historian, Brian Inglis (1916-1993) combined television with writing books and journalism to great effect. He halted his TV career in the early 1970s to enter the world of the paranormal, becoming friends with psychic celebrities (including Uri Geller), and then embarking upon full-length studies intended to publicize what he viewed as the major story of his age, the psi force. Yet Brian did not have the debating podium to himself--and a bitter war of words with CSICOP and with other skeptical authors and organizations was soon to follow..

Brian's son Neil Inglis has been an NCAS veteran since 1988, and spoke on Michael Servetus during our 2005-2006 lecture season. A staff translator/reviser with a local international organization, Neil edits a Reformation history magazine in his spare time. In recent years, Neil has assisted in preparing new, electronic editions of his father's books, including Brian's classic psi histories. Neil's talk will be given from his intensely personal perspective as an Inglis family member; his presentation is certain to be of interest to those who follow the history of fringe belief systems and of CSICOP itself (now CSI). Furthermore, Neil will ask the question that we all ponder: why do intelligent people continue to believe bizarre things?

Refreshments and socializing after the talk.


October NCAS Lecture
Bruce Press will present "The Science of Fake News."  This talk will attempt to go beyond the recognition of specific instances, to the science of how they impact individuals and society. Saturday, October 14 at 1:30 PM at Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center.