The Monthly Calendar of the National Capital Area Skeptics
- March 10 lecture - Science Moms: Documentary Screening and Q & A
- April 21 lecture - Understanding Eyewitness Evidence and Confession Evidence in Criminal Cases: A Sensitive Skeptic’s Guide.
- NCAS Board Elections: Call for Candidates
- AmazonSmile: Thanks to our members who are supporting NCAS!
- Shadow Light
- Member renewals

March 2018
Science Moms
Natalie Newell
Jenny Splitter
Saturday, March 10, 1:30pm - 4:00pm
Argosy University
1550 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 712
Arlington, VA [map] [directions]
(Near Rosslyn Metro stop)
Enter parking garage from N Pierce Street.
FREE admission – Everyone welcome, members and non-members
Please arrive before 1:30 so we can provide passage through the building access control system.
Science Moms is a film that will give a voice to the science-minded moms – the women who are too often drowned out by the fear mongers, the shamers, and the CelebMoms. Through interviews with "science moms" who are on the front lines of this struggle, we’ll dissect the bogus claims of these celebrities one by one and explain in simple language what the science really shows about GMOs, vaccines, homeopathy, and any of these topics that are often in the headlines, yet even more often are misunderstood.
We can’t change everyone’s minds, but we can make our voices heard. One mom at a time.
The film will be followed by a Q&A with director Natalie Newell and science writer/film participant Jenny Splitter.
Science Moms
Documentary Screening and Q & A
Natalie Newell
Jenny Splitter
Science Writer
Saturday, March 10, 1:30pm - 4:00pmArgosy University
1550 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 712
Arlington, VA [map] [directions]
(Near Rosslyn Metro stop)
Enter parking garage from N Pierce Street.
FREE admission – Everyone welcome, members and non-members
Please arrive before 1:30 so we can provide passage through the building access control system.
Science Moms is a film that will give a voice to the science-minded moms – the women who are too often drowned out by the fear mongers, the shamers, and the CelebMoms. Through interviews with "science moms" who are on the front lines of this struggle, we’ll dissect the bogus claims of these celebrities one by one and explain in simple language what the science really shows about GMOs, vaccines, homeopathy, and any of these topics that are often in the headlines, yet even more often are misunderstood.
We can’t change everyone’s minds, but we can make our voices heard. One mom at a time.
The film will be followed by a Q&A with director Natalie Newell and science writer/film participant Jenny Splitter.