2018 marks the centennial of the final voyage of U.S.S. Cyclops, a U.S. Navy collier. After departing Barbados for Baltimore on March 4, 1918, no radio signal was received from it, and no trace of the 542-foot vessel or the 309 people aboard was ever found.
The details of this genuine mystery of the sea have been obscured by sensational promoters of “The Bermuda Triangle” myth, but author Marvin W. Barrash has meticulously researched the legendary ship and the men aboard her, including one of his great-uncles, in his book, U.S.S. Cyclops (Heritage Books, 2010).
What are the more likely explanations for the disappearance of Cyclops, and where might the wreck be found? The solution to this century-old mystery may soon be within reach.

A life member of the U.S. Naval Institute and the Naval Historical Foundation, Marvin W. Barrash has provided many years of volunteer service with the Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington Navy Yard. He has produced finding aids for many artifacts and documents, assisted in preservation of historical materials, and researched responses to historical inquiries. He has appeared on-camera as the subject matter expert concerning the U.S.S. Cyclops in two television documentaries produced for the National Geographic Channel. Barrash continues his research with the hope that the ship’s remains will be located and studied, not salvaged.
Copies of U.S.S. Cyclops and his latest book, the prequel Murder on the Abarenda (Heritage Books, 2016), will be available for purchase and signing by the author.
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