Join us for personal reminiscences and survey of the legacy of puzzle expert and rationality champion Martin Gardner (1914-2010) who wrote the book "Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science" over sixty years ago and later played a major role in the founding of CSICOP and Skeptical Inquirer.
Colm Mulcahy is professor of mathematics at Spelman College, Atlanta, GA. He is on leave for the academic year 2013-14, visiting The American University. He's blogged for the Mathematical Association of America, Aperiodical, Huffington Post and Scientific American. He recently published Mathematical Card Magic (380 pages, AK Peters/CRC Press). He was fortunate to know Martin Gardner for the last decade of his life. His website it and he tweets at @CardColm. Gardner fans can follow @WWMGT (
Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:30 PM
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard Room 110
Arlington, VA 22203 (map)
Room 110 is located immediately to the left as you enter the building from the intersection of North Stuart and 9th Street North.
There will be refreshments and socializing after the talk.