Time to recharge

 At NCAS we take the summer to recharge our skeptical batteries. We hope that you enjoyed our programs this past year - both live and on YouTube. As the world starts to recover from the chaos that enveloped us these past two years, more and more events are starting to become live. However, we learned a lot about communicating during this period. Tools like zoom and other streaming services are becoming part of our technological lives, yet we cannot get away from having live meetings for effective communication. Both formats will be around for years to come.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 10 at 1:30pm in the B-CC Services Center in Bethesda. Come back to our website by mid-August when we should start to announce our fall 2022 schedule.

Enjoy your summer, stay safe, and if you can, join us as a member. We are a low budget operation, but low budget does not mean no budget.

See you in September!

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