Saturday, Sep 13, 1:30 - 4 pm (Note New Time)
Public & FREE -- No RSVP (Flyer)
Richard Dengrove
U.S. Department of Agriculture Librarian
NCAS Member since 1987
Bethesda Library, 7400 Arlington Rd., Bethesda, MD
(near Bethesda metro) FREE Parking (*)
The Alien Grey is associated with flying saucers, and flying saucer advocates want to keep it that way. They wish for you to believe that it is an objective phenomenon and not a cultural artifact. However, the Alien Grey has had another life – in novels, short stories, movies and TV. Also, there is more to this talk than the title suggests: I am not going to talk only about the Alien Grey but also the Future Man Grey and the MadScientist Grey. Each one is a kissing cousin of the others. Greys can come from under the ground as well. What the Grey does is try to answer questions often touted as deeply philosophical. However, I suspect the Grey strikes a chord in our emotions, and the answers the Grey gives as popular art and pulp are more satisfying than any philosophical tome.
(*) Parking at the library is free, but you must enter your parking space number into a kiosk in the lobby. Parking is automatically validated for two hours -- no need to return to your car. Your parking validation is extended for two hours each time your parking space number is entered at the kiosk.
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